Get and save content

You can save text from Redactor using one of four different approaches.

Sending form data using POST method#

<form action="" method="post">
    <textarea id="content" name="content"></textarea>

<!-- call -->

In this example, text from Redactor will be sent as a form when user clicks on Send button. On a server side you’ll receive a variable POST with a name content.

Form serialize and AJAX#

<!--form -->
<form action="/savedata-server-script/" id="my-form" method="post">

    <!-- element -->
    <textarea id="content" name="content"></textarea>

    <!-- submit button -->
    <button onclick="sendForm();">Send</button>

<!-- call -->

<!-- send function with jQuery -->
function sendForm()
        url: '/savedata-server-script/',
        type: 'post',
        data: $('#my-form').serialize()

Redactor API method#

<!--form -->
<form action="/server-script/" method="post">

    <!-- element -->
    <textarea id="content" name="content"></textarea>

    <!-- submit button -->
    <button onclick="sendForm();">Send</button>

<!-- call -->

<!-- get and send content with API -->
function sendForm()
    var content = $R('#content', 'source.getCode');

        url: '/savedata-server-script/',
        type: 'post',
        data: 'content=' + content


If you wish the Redactor to automatically save the text with each change, just set the path to a script that will handle the incoming data.

<!--element -->
<textarea id="content"></textarea>

<!-- call -->
$R('#content', {
    autosave: '/your-autosave-server-script/',
    callbacks: {
        autosave: function(name, data, response)
            // name - name of textarea or the value of 'autosaveName' option
            // data - an object with the data sent to the server
            // response -  the server JSON response

In this examples, the Redactor will transmit data to the save.php every two minutes (in background mode). Autosave will transmit the POST textareaname variable.

You can use autosaveError callback for a triggering when request for an autosave has been error.

$R('#content', {
    callbacks: {
        autosaveError: function(name, data, response)
            // ...

Your server-side script must pass error as JSON and it must contain the error parameter, for example:

    "error": true,
    "message": "Something went wrong..."