Plugins of Redactor Classic

Align text left, center, right or justify. This plugin applies a specific style to selected text, allowing developers to tweak alignment precisely.

BeyondGrammar allows you to integrate grammar checking, spell checking, style improvements, and terminology checking.

Create a list of frequently used snippets of code, text, icons, emoji, you name it.

Add a character and word counter.

Allow users to select predefined links from a list.

Manage, upload, select files and place them anywhere in Redactor.

Set the text color and/or text background color.

Choose a font family for selected text.

Change the font size specified in pixels. Bigger sometimes is better.

Expand Redactor to fill the whole screen. Also known as "distraction free" mode.

Allow users to get the @mentions feature with an inline dropdown.

Upload or choose and insert images to tell a more visual story.

Apply inline formatting to style text using "Style" dropdown.

Limit the number of characters a user can enter.

This plugin allows you to assign any id or class to any block tag (selected or containing cursor).

Select and insert special characters from the dropdown.

Insert and format tables with ease.

Easily change the direction of the text in a block element (paragraph, header, blockquote etc.).

Enter a short snippet of text or a word and this plugin will replace it to a frequently used predefined text.

Create and use variables as non-editable things in the content.

Enrich text with embedded video.

Allow users to add snippets, embed code, tweets etc. as a widget.