


  • name String
  • button Object

Adds a button to the toolbar or to the control bar.

this.app.toolbar.add('mybutton', button);
this.app.extrabar.add('mybutton', button);
this.app.control.add('mybutton', button);
this.app.context.add('mybutton', button);
this.app.addbar.add('mybutton', button);

The button object can contain the parameters described below.

All the examples show the method of adding a button to the toolbar. The button object can have the same parameters to add to the control bar, context bar or addbar.


The position of the button in the toolbar or control bar.

this.app.toolbar.add('mybutton', {
    title: 'My Button',
    icon: '<svg...>',
    command: 'myplugin.toggle',
    position: 'first'

Add a button to the beginning of the toolbar.

position: 'first'

Add a new button after the specified button.

position: { after: 'buttonname' }

Add a new button before the specified button.

position: { before: 'buttonname' }


Adds a button only for specific blocks.

this.app.toolbar.add('mybutton', {
    title: 'My Button',
    icon: '<svg...>',
    command: 'myplugin.toggle',
    blocks: {
        all: 'editable'
  • all
    • for all block, by default
  • editable
    • for editable blocks only
  • noneditable
    • for non editable blocks only
  • first-level
    • for first-level blocks only
  • types
    • for specified blocks only

this.app.toolbar.add('mybutton', {
    title: 'My Button',
    icon: '<svg...>',
    command: 'myplugin.toggle',
    blocks: {
        types: ['paragraph', 'heading']


Adds a button to blocks except specified in the array.

this.app.toolbar.add('mybutton', {
    title: 'My Button',
    icon: '<svg...>',
    command: 'myplugin.toggle',
    blocks: {
        all: 'editable',
        except: ['list']


The text that will be displayed on the icon. You can use html.

this.app.toolbar.add('mybutton', {
    title: 'My Button',
    icon: '<svg...>',
    command: 'myplugin.toggle'


Icon button in HTML or SVG format.

this.app.toolbar.add('mybutton', {
    title: 'My Button',
    icon: '<svg...>',
    command: 'myplugin.toggle'


A method that will check whether a button is displayed. If the button does not need to be shown on a specific condition when clicking on a block, then the method should return false, in other cases it is necessary to return the button object.

Redactor.add('plugin', 'myplugin', {
    start() {
        this.app.toolbar.add('mybutton', {
            title: 'My Button',
            icon: '<svg...>',
            command: 'myplugin.toggle',
            observer: 'myplugin.observe'
    observe(obj, name) {
        if (somethings) {
            return false;

        return obj;
    toggle(params, button) {
        // do something


Calls the specified method when the button is clicked.

Redactor.add('plugin', 'myplugin', {
    start:() {
        this.app.toolbar.add('mybutton', {
            title: 'My Button',
            icon: '<svg...>',
            command: 'myplugin.toggle'
    toggle(params, button, name, e) {
        // do something

The command passes the object with following values:

  • params — button parameters
  • button — button instance
  • name — name of the button
  • e — button click event object


It is specified as an object and is passed as an argument when the button command is called.

Redactor.add('plugin', 'myplugin', {
    start() {
        this.app.toolbar.add('mybutton', {
            title: 'My Button',
            icon: '<svg...>',
            command: 'myplugin.toggle',
            params: {
                arg1: value1,
                arg2: value2
    toggle(params, button, name, e) {
        // get params
        console.log(params.arg1, params.arg2);