

This setting defines default styles for some elements.

By default, it contains such an object:

    text: {
        'font-family': false,
        'font-size': '16px',
        'line-height': '1.5',
        'color': '#222228'
    heading: {
        'font-family': false,
        'font-weight': 'bold',
        'color': '#111118'
    link: {
        'color': '#0091ff',
        'font-weight': 'normal'
    button: {
        'font-size': '18px',
        'font-weight': 'normal',
        'color': '#fff',
        'background-color': '#0091ff',
        'padding': '14px 40px',
        'border-radius': '24px'
    spacer: {
        'height': '10px'
    divider: {
        'height': '2px',
        'background-color': '#111118'

The value specified for font-family as false, meaning that font family will be taken from the editor.font setting.

You can change the styles by specifying them in the setting:

Revolvapp('#myemail', {
    styles: {
        text: {
            'font-size': '18px',
            'color': '#555'
        link: {
            'color': '#000'