Designed as a framework. Its adaptability makes it easy to customize and modify according to your specific goals and requirements.
You can transform any component into the exact thing you require by using slots and placeholders. These powerful tools enable you to customize your components to meet your specific needs with ease and flexibility.
Semantic colors
With its thoughtful and logical color scheme, the system allows you to create different states and looks for both individual components and the entire design.
Superkube has been meticulously crafted so that the dark theme is seamlessly applied to every single component and color, creating a unified and cohesive look throughout.
Superkube offers built-in tools for annotating designs, making it easy to highlight important details and explain inner workings to clients or colleagues.
No subscription. Free updates.
Use the design system for personal and commercial projects. You will receive a Figma file with all components, patterns, styles, and variables.
100% compliant with WCAG 2.1 accessibility contrast ratios.
This is a system that works and has proven in real projects.
Superkube is the benchmark in the design systems industry.
After purchasing through Gumroad, you will get a .fig file that you can import into Figma.
No. Superkube Design System is made only for Figma and has no version for Sketch or Adobe XD.
Superkube Design System requires no special knowledge to use and is provided as is. We do not offer technical support.
Yes. You can use the design system for any project, without any restrictions.