Type: Object

Default: object

The align setting helps control the alignment of text in blocks.

The default align setting has the following button object:

    'left': 'align-left',
    'center': 'align-center',
    'right': 'align-right',
    'justify': 'align-justify'

When you click on the alignment button the block has an align class specified in the parameters of the button. In your CSS of content it should be written this way:

.align-center {
    text-align: center;
.align-center img {
    margin-left: auto;
    margin-right: auto;
.align-center figcaption {
    text-align: center;

You can change the alignment class names to those used in your content:

.my-class-center {
    text-align: center;

Now set new classes:

ArticleEditor('#entry', {
    css: '/your-article-dist-path/',
    align: {
        'left': 'my-class-left',
        'center': 'my-class-center',
        'right': 'my-class-right',
        'justify': 'my-class-justify'

You can change the align object and turn off some alignment options, like so:

ArticleEditor('#entry', {
    css: '/your-article-dist-path/',
    align: {
        'left': 'align-left',
        'center': 'align-center',
        'right': false,
        'justify': false

You can completely disable align feature set the setting false.

ArticleEditor('#entry', {
    css: '/your-article-dist-path/',
    align: false