
Type: Boolean

Default: true

This setting removes the attributes class and style inherited from the previous tag. You can turn it off:

$R('#content', {
        cleanOnEnter: false


This setting keeps the inline tags (with styles) in the next line when the user presses enter key.

Type: Boolean

Default: false

$R('#content', {
        cleanInlineOnEnter: true


Type: Boolean

Default: true

This setting removes the script tag in the Redactor source. To keep script tag turn off this option:

$R('#content', {
        removeScript: false


Type: Boolean

Default: false

This setting removes all new lines between tags in the Redactor source code.

$R('#content', {
        removeNewLines: true


Type: Boolean

Default: true

To prevent Redactor from removing HTML comments, set this to false.

$R('#content', {
        removeComments: false


Type: Object Boolean

Default: object

By default, the following is set to happen: 'b', 'i', and 'strike' tags are replaced by 'strong', 'em', and 'del' tags respectively:

    'b': 'strong',
    'i': 'em',
    'strike': 'del'

To prevent this completely, just set replaceTags: false.

$R('#content', {
    replaceTags: false

This setting is customizable. You could have your set of tag replacement rules, for instance:

$R('#content', {
    replaceTags:  {
            'strong': 'mark',
        'i': 'em'

This setting works with all tags, which are allowed in Redactor.