Block Background

Click on any block, then on the 'control' menu icon on the left and you will see the 'Background color' option in the dropdown.


<!DOCTYPE html>
        <meta charset="utf-8">

        <!-- css -->
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="/your-folder/redactor.css" />
        <!-- element -->
        <textarea id="entry">...</textarea>

        <!-- js -->
        <script src="/your-folder/redactor.js"></script>
        <script src="/your-folder/plugins/blockbackground/blockbackground.js"></script>

        <!-- call -->
        Redactor('#entry', {
            plugins: ['blockbackground']


By default, the editor has a preset set of colors:

colors: {
    base:   ['#000000', '#ffffff'],
    gray:   ['#212529', '#343a40', '#495057', '#868e96', '#adb5bd', '#ced4da', '#dee2e6', '#e9ecef', '#f1f3f5', '#f8f9fa'],
    red:    ["#c92a2a", "#e03131", "#f03e3e", "#fa5252", "#ff6b6b", "#ff8787", "#ffa8a8", "#ffc9c9", "#ffe3e3", "#fff5f5"],
    pink:   ["#a61e4d", "#c2255c", "#d6336c", "#e64980", "#f06595", "#f783ac", "#faa2c1", "#fcc2d7", "#ffdeeb", "#fff0f6"],
    grape:  ["#862e9c", "#9c36b5", "#ae3ec9", "#be4bdb", "#cc5de8", "#da77f2", "#e599f7", "#eebefa", "#f3d9fa", "#f8f0fc"],
    violet: ["#5f3dc4", "#6741d9", "#7048e8", "#7950f2", "#845ef7", "#9775fa", "#b197fc", "#d0bfff", "#e5dbff", "#f3f0ff"],
    indigo: ["#364fc7", "#3b5bdb", "#4263eb", "#4c6ef5", "#5c7cfa", "#748ffc", "#91a7ff", "#bac8ff", "#dbe4ff", "#edf2ff"],
    blue:   ["#1864ab", "#1971c2", "#1c7ed6", "#228be6", "#339af0", "#4dabf7", "#74c0fc", "#a5d8ff", "#d0ebff", "#e7f5ff"],
    cyan:   ["#0b7285", "#0c8599", "#1098ad", "#15aabf", "#22b8cf", "#3bc9db", "#66d9e8", "#99e9f2", "#c5f6fa", "#e3fafc"],
    teal:   ["#087f5b", "#099268", "#0ca678", "#12b886", "#20c997", "#38d9a9", "#63e6be", "#96f2d7", "#c3fae8", "#e6fcf5"],
    green:  ["#2b8a3e", "#2f9e44", "#37b24d", "#40c057", "#51cf66", "#69db7c", "#8ce99a", "#b2f2bb", "#d3f9d8", "#ebfbee"],
    lime:   ["#5c940d", "#66a80f", "#74b816", "#82c91e", "#94d82d", "#a9e34b", "#c0eb75", "#d8f5a2", "#e9fac8", "#f4fce3"],
    yellow: ["#e67700", "#f08c00", "#f59f00", "#fab005", "#fcc419", "#ffd43b", "#ffe066", "#ffec99", "#fff3bf", "#fff9db"],
    orange: ["#d9480f", "#e8590c", "#f76707", "#fd7e14", "#ff922b", "#ffa94d", "#ffc078", "#ffd8a8", "#ffe8cc", "#fff4e6"]

You can add or replace with your own colors:

Redactor('#entry', {
    plugins: ['blockbackground'],
    colors: {
        gray: ['#333333', '#555555', '#777777', '#999999', '#aaaaaa', '#bbbbbb', '#cccccc', '#dddddd', '#eeeeee', '#f4f4f4']

If you want to completely replace the preset colors, then add a set flag to the setting:

Redactor('#entry', {
    plugins: ['blockbackground'],
    colors: {
        set: true,
        gray: ['#333333', '#555555', '#777777', '#999999', '#aaaaaa', '#bbbbbb', '#cccccc', '#dddddd', '#eeeeee', '#f4f4f4']

By default, the color selection dropdown shows an input for entering a custom color value, it can be disabled:

Redactor('#entry', {
    plugins: ['blockbackground'],
    blockbackground: {
        input: false

By default, color groups are shown as columns. You can change this by adjusting the colorpicker settings. This includes increasing the color swatch size. See Colorpicker settings for more details.

Redactor('#entry', {
    plugins: ['fontcolor'],
    colorpicker: {
        row: true,
        wrap: true,
        width: '320px',
        size: 'large'
    colors: {
        set: true,
        gray: ['#333333', '#555555', '#777777', '#999999', '#aaaaaa', '#bbbbbb', '#cccccc', '#dddddd', '#eeeeee', '#f4f4f4']