Added: Settings to replace modals for Image and Link.
Fixed: Issue with inserting a table into an empty editor.
Fixed: Issue adding a list within a list.
Fixed: Issue of losing focus when inserting a link.
Fixed: Issue when dropdown “More formatting” loses position after clicking “Undo”.
Fixed: Collapse icon for Fullscreen does not work from the first click.
Fixed: image.getStates method does not work.
Fixed: Issue with deleting content within columns (layouts).
Fixed: Using app.editor.insertContent does not work to insert the br tag.
Fixed: Issue of replacing ‘&’ with ‘amp’ entity when inserting and editing embed code.
Fixed: Set the default image width to 100% in the Email plugin if the image does not have this attribute.
Fixed: Issue with empty AI queries working if there is no focus on the editor. Please update AI plugin too.
Fixed: The issue of pasting code into a Code snippet happens without formatting as a single line.
Fixed: Issue with inserting links on a new line.
Fixed: If you want to add an image in an empty text block and upload multiple images, only one image will be added.
Fixed: The shortcut ctrl+k/cmd+k does not open the dialogue for a new link (i.e. nothing occurs on hitting cmd+k)
Fixed: Issue with displaying spinner when AI prompt is empty.
Fixed: if you move 'html' button from toolbar to extrabar it will work and switch you into html mode but will not toggle back like it does in toolbar you end up stuck in html mode.
Fixed: The issue of resizing an image if it was float left/right and then make it ‘center’ or ‘none’.
Fixed: If there is only an image in the editor, you cannot add text or a list or any other content after the image using the Add button.
Fixed: Issue when navigating to the editor after pressing tab, Redactor has no focus for inserting an image or content.
Added: AI plugin - Add for AI request the ability to send additional data as it is done in Image.
Improved: Issue: there can be only one external toolbar on the screen. Now you can make it so that every instance editor has an external toolbar. To make all toolbars in a single target use the sharedTarget setting.
Improved: Removed delete video by spacebar so that it can be played.
Improved: Position of buttons in the toolbar when setting custom button layout.
Improved: Formatting and parsing in Breakline mode.
Improved: If a table cell is selected, make that when typing letters, they are typed inside the cell.
Fixed: todo template is not parsed correctly on save.
Fixed: Checkbox element of todo lists - ticking a box does not work in Firefox.
Fixed: replaceTags - doesn't replace b or i with strong or em, using the Italic/Bold always uses their default setting.
Fixed: The issue of replacing ampersand with html entities when retrieving content.
Fixed: Sometimes when dragging and dropping a block in Email mode, the editor freezes.
Fixed: When you switch to code mode and back, the empty div gets a space in the content.
Fixed: If you select the text and color it using the Fontcolor input, the selection is lost and you can't put the color in
Fixed: AI plugin - if you make a request with stream: false the content is simply deleted.
Fixed: AI plugin - if you generate text, paste it, then when you click on the AI button in the toolbar, it will not be a dropdown, but an AI tool will be inserted.
Fixed: Form elements parsing error if attributes contain '&' character.
Fixed: When duplicating a block with mergetag, an undefined instance appears as a result.
Fixed: Many fixes to inline formatting.
Fixed: Duplicate items in control dropdown.
Fixed: Plugin styles are not saved in breakline mode.
Fixed: Error when duplicating a list.
Fixed: Email plugin - even if dark theme is set to false dark mode is still generated in the email html.
Fixed: When inserting setJson content, then clicking between blocks puts focus in the block, but no block selection occurs.
Fixed: If you select a cell and press the spacebar, the cell is deleted.
Fixed: Addbar hide setting does not work.
Fixed: The issue with the Fontcolor plugin when you select the text color, many different span tags are created with different set of colors.
Fixed: The control dropdown doesn't work on mobile.
Improved: Ability to wrap todo in a label on output or using a template. See docs.
Improved: Todo - support unchecked template '[]' - without space.
Improved: Ability to insert multiple files via filelink.
Improved: Inserting a file as a link, including by dragging and dropping if the filelink plugin is connected.
Improved: Ai Plugin - markdown headings and lists with bold and paragraphs are not parsed.
Improved: AI plugin - remember if a column has been called and put the answer there.
Improved: Ability to implement custom tag insertion. See example.
Improved: minor code refactoring.
Improved: various small improvements when working with tables and lists.
Improved: selecting Column block in Pathbar.
Improved: work of enter if cursor is in an inline tag.
Improved: improved content parsing when content was pasted in source code mode.
Improved: AI plugin improvement if form prompt inserts inside div wrapper.
Improved: Embed - ability to play video.
Improved: Embed - recognize mp4 video when inserting in embed form.
Improved: Pasting from Google Docs.
Fixed: Email plugin - image alignment.
Fixed: Parsing does not work correctly if there are line breaks in tag attributes in html set in the editor.
Fixed: Selecting font family or font size does not hide dropdown.
Fixed: Simultaneous application of font color, size, and family.
Fixed: If you select text and end the selection so that the cursor falls on the control icon, the selection is deselected and editor.blur occurs.
Fixed: If you create a todo item and press backspace, an error occurs.
Added:Command palette - type slash (/) to open commands without leaving keyboard.
Added:ai.before.insert - event that occurs before the result is inserted into the content.
Added: Description of how to make styles using classes for fontcolor, fontfamily, fontsize plugins. See the corresponding plugins.
Improved: Instant set text or background color in any plugin when hovering over a color in colorpicker.
Improved: AI plugin - parsing bold / italic markdown inside the returned response.
Improved: Embed can always put https in the url for youtube and vimeo.
Fixed: AI plugin - issues with adjusting the height of the editor in iframe mode.
Fixed: Many improvements in list formatting and navigation within a list using the keyboard
Fixed: In Chrome for Windows, it was not working correctly to select the wrapper and layout blocks when you clicked on the control's button.
Fixed: If you set a block with attributes in JSON, delete it, then do undo and do getJson, there will be no attributes in the resulting json
Fixed: Email plugin - After editing existing template data, if the template is changed from the template selection menu and the user performs an undo action, the old template's color theme will be restored to the data.
Fixed: Edit link modal is not properly aligned with editor.
Fixed: Sometimes when selected text is formatted (Underline, Bold, Italic ). Entire paragraph gets underlined.
Added: Possibility to work inside iframe see examples and setting.
Added:Examples of how the editor works with different frontend frameworks.
Added: Ability to read and create layouts exclusively by classes, see detailed description and layout setting.
Added:scrollOverflow setting that makes toolbar sticky programmatically to work if parent elements have overflow property.
Added: JSON content setting: ability for an image to specify width and height in the style attribute.
Added: AI Plugin - added a lot of events, including error event, which allows you to realize the possibility of receiving a message from the server that the limits are over, i.e. actually give a response from the server and enable the event, with JSON response.
Fixed: AI plugin - if content is not selected and click item in dropdown then spinner appears, although there is no request.
Fixed: AI Plugin - catch pressing enter to send request + shift+enter as line break.
Fixed: AI Plugin - if you make prompt inside todoitem or listitem, the logic is wrong, the returned text should become just todoitem or listitem.
Added: Email plugin - ability to get and set with getJson / setJson API methods.
Added: Email plugin - ability to set preset templates using Templates plugin. Please see the example.
Fixed: Email plugin - fails to read text and all other parameters when setting content via setContent.
Fixed: Email plugin - background color of body is not reset when setting template via setContent.
Fixed: If you paste plain text, it is not split into paragraphs
Improved: Emoji plugin implementation of keyboard work when panel is shown when entering colon (:).
Improved: Emoji plugin ability to translate default group names.
Improved: Many improvements in Fullscreen plugin.
Improved: Many improvements in Mention plugin.
Fixed: Sticky toolbar should not work if the editor is disabled.
Fixed: Global Redactor.settings override local settings
Fixed: AI Tools — If you select all and make a prompt in stream mode from dropdown then no spinner loading appears in the content
Fixed: Email plugin— text size for the block is not read by default from the email settings
Fixed: Email plugin - if there was no email-option with styles in the template by default, getContent will not return the changes
Fixed: Email plugin - modal position does not take into account the margin/padding of the editor
Fixed: Email plugin - email-options are not read when setting content via setContent
Improved: Many improvements in modals, dropdowns and context bar.
Improved: Many improvements in Imageresize plugin
Improved: Many improvements if maxHeight setting is enabled in editor.
Improved: Many improvements when working with table