
This module helps to work with tables.

Usage #

This is how the table in Superkube looks like by default.

First Name Last Name Points
Jill Smith 50
Eve Jackson 94

<table class="table">

Bordered #

Use the table-bordered class to add borders from all sides of the table cell.

First Name Last Name Points
Jill Smith 50
Eve Jackson 94

<table class="table table-bordered">...</table>

Striped #

Use the table-striped class to add zebra stripes for table rows.

First Name Last Name Points
Jill Smith 50
Eve Jackson 94
John Marks 82
Anna Stones 36

<table class="table table-striped">...</table>

You can change the color of the stripe. To do this, override the table variable in your custom SCSS. See also how to customize framework.

.table-striped {
    --table-background-color: var(--palette-primary-lightest);

Width #

Use the Sizing helper to specify the width of the table cells.

First Name Last Name Points
Jill Smith 50
Eve Jackson 94

        <td class="max-25">...</td>
        <td class="max-25">...</td>

Nowrap #

Use the text-nowrap modifier from the Text module to stop moving the words in the cell to a new line.

First Name Last Name Points
Jill Smith 50
Eve Jackson 94

<table class="table table-bordered">
        <th class="text-nowrap">...</th>
        <th class="text-nowrap">...</th>
        <th class="max-100">...</th>

Scrollable #

Wrap the table in div with the class table-scrollable, so that on small screens the table does not go beyond the screen.

Col 1 Col 2 Col 3 Col 4 Col 5 Col 6 Col 7 Col 8 Col 9 Col 10 Col 11 Col 12 Col 13 Col 14 Col 15 Col 16

<div class="table table-scrollable">

Variables #

Here are the CSS variables used in the module. Setting them allows you to change the appearance and parameters of the module.

// colors
--table-border-color: var(--palette-black-7);
--table-head-border-color: var(--palette-black-7);

// params
--table-font-size: 15px;
--table-line-height: var(--body-text-line);
--table-border-style: solid;
--table-border-width: 1px;
--table-head-border-style: solid;
--table-head-border-width: 1px;
--table-padding: 0.75em 6rem 0.75em 2rem;

// table striped
--table-background-color: var(--palette-neutral-lightest);